by Autumn | May 17, 2021 | Podcast, Tips, Writing
Do you want to make your characters and writing pop? There are some pro techniques to enhance a character and connect the reader with her/him. One of them is using Deep POV. Join us for a discussion on Deep POV. What is it? How do you do it? And when are there times...
by Autumn | Apr 3, 2015 | Friends of my Enemy, Tips, Writing
I mentioned in my last friday post that I’d been pondering chapter lengths. Actually as I wrapped up the final scenes in the Fight for Peace, I’d been evaluating novel structure quite a bit. Add to that Steven Montano’s monday post over at the Guild of Dreams on...
by Autumn | Mar 27, 2015 | Tips, Writing
I think non-writers would be surprised at how many words are cut from a novel. I won’t say wasted, because I do think that practicing wordsmithing – even if the practice never sees the light of day – is ever a waste. But that isn’t to say that...
by Autumn | Feb 6, 2015 | Tips, Writing
If you’ve read my writing or perused my blog, you know I write utilizing multiple POVs. I’ve created many personal rules for POV use. The POV has to be a main character (no one time chapters in a character’s point of view and then the reader never hears from them...
by Autumn | Sep 12, 2014 | Friends of my Enemy, The World of Myrrah, Tips, Writing
All stories utilize tension, but each genre incorporates it differently. Stories, and the tension in them, are not the same. Epic fantasy, thrillers, and other action oriented novels rely on the tension built by ‘what will happen next!’ Other tales such as detective...