by Autumn | Apr 8, 2015 | Born of Water, Friends of my Enemy, Games of Fire, News and Events, Rule of Fire, Spirit of Life, The World of Myrrah, Writing Update
Ok, I know I usually do a Wednesday writing update. But if truth be told, it would be more of an editing and reading update. I’m mid-way into edits on the Battle for Europe, book 2 of Friends of my Enemy, in the hopes of getting it sent to a beta reader by the...
by Autumn | Apr 3, 2015 | Friends of my Enemy, Tips, Writing
I mentioned in my last friday post that I’d been pondering chapter lengths. Actually as I wrapped up the final scenes in the Fight for Peace, I’d been evaluating novel structure quite a bit. Add to that Steven Montano’s monday post over at the Guild of Dreams on...
by Autumn | Jan 9, 2015 | Friends of my Enemy, Writing
When I started this series of ‘What’s in a Genre’ I expected to be researching definitions to clarify what a reader expected when they chose a category. I didn’t realize how many genres would have such fuzzy boundaries! Military fiction is another of those. What I...
by Autumn | Dec 8, 2014 | Friends of my Enemy, Games of Fire, Writing
In Ty’s ‘day before the novel begins’ story found in the Born of Novel Companion, he returns home to Myrocene to find nothing is as he remembers it or at least it doesn’t fit the way he remembers it. But really, home hasn’t changed. He...
by Autumn | Nov 14, 2014 | Friends of my Enemy, Tips, Writing
I almost titled this post The Importance of Plotting, but really it is simpler than that. And I don’t want to turn off pantsers! 😉 I mentioned on my Facebook page last week that I’d finished the first read through of After the War, book 1 of my dystopian series...
by Autumn | Nov 7, 2014 | Friends of my Enemy, Writing
Continuing my series of defining genres, in the hopes of finding the correct market for my dystopian WIP Friends of my Enemy, I thought I’d check out what it takes to be labeled science fiction this week. Friends of my Enemy is set in our near future. The short...