What You'll Learn
The last week has been a little crazy for me. Crazier than the week before, which is saying something since that was the week Spark of Defiance launched while I was running to a night meeting and waiting to hear back on not one, but TWO jobs I’d applied for. And at the end of that week with Spark of Defiance finally released into the world and my timeline on making a job decision hit, I put in my notice to resign from my day job.
If you are going to shake things up do it in a big way!
Not to make light of it, as it was a big decision. One that I’ve been considering since at least 2004, at least trying to figure out how to do it and still be able to eat. But seriously, I’m feeling pretty light right now. Which is also odd. I thought terrified might be a better descriptor. But no. Excited, creative, empowered, enthusiastic, and exuberant fit my mood far more than twinges of “time to get real about all of this.”
I feel like this!