by Autumn | Mar 11, 2016 | Tips, Writing
You’ve done it before. I’ve done it before. You are editing and you hit the fifteenth time you’ve described the forest as dark. So you pull out the thesaurus and go with “gloomy,” or “shadowed.” Then move on. Really? Is that the best you’ve got? Writers get into word...
by Autumn | Jan 29, 2016 | Tips, Writing
It started because my editor said I couldn’t use the description “navy blue.” “Because,” she pointed out, “not every navy on earth even uses the same color of blue,” much less the possible armada in my fantasy world. She suggested I use “dark blue.” The proverbial...
by Autumn | Jul 11, 2014 | Friends of my Enemy, Writing
I’m persnickety about creating character ‘voice.’ Though I write in third person limited, I endeavor to keep the ‘narrator’ of each chapter fixed in the knowledge and experience of the character whose POV the chapter is written from. If they can’t see, feel, hear,...