by Autumn | Mar 1, 2021 | Podcast, Tips, Writing
You’ve finished the first draft of your novel. GREAT! Now, how do you tackle edits? We’ve got you covered. In this episode, we discuss the pros and cons of different editing methods, take a peek at how Autumn runs her edits, and what you can do if you...
by Jesper Schmidt | Feb 19, 2021 | Book Marketing, Podcast, Tools for Authors, Writing Promotion
Goodreads is a social platform where readers congregate. Are the ways in which we can market our books to these people without being sleazy? Jesper has no idea about Goodreads, so he asks all the stupid questions, while Autumn tries to convince him that Goodreads is a...
by Autumn | Feb 8, 2021 | Podcast, Tips, Writing
Do you get lost in the middle of writing your novel … or just lost when writing, wondering what should come next? Discover seven steps that will give each part of your novel a purpose, link the plot to your character’s arc, and get you writing with a...
by Jesper Schmidt | Feb 1, 2021 | Podcast, Worldbuilding
In this hilarious episode of the Am Writing Fantasy podcast, Autumn and Jesper share the most stupid magic spells, and extremely useless magic systems, they can think off. Listen in, have some fun, and learn about a spell animating walking tea cups, a more than deadly...
by Jesper Schmidt | Jan 4, 2021 | Podcast, Writing
Welcome to the first episode of 2021. Autumn and Jesper each share 5 book ideas that they won’t write. Some of those ideas are lighthearted – and perhaps outright silly (read: hilarious) – whereas others can prove to be excellent inspiration for your...