by Jesper Schmidt | Dec 6, 2021 | Podcast, Tips, Writing
The New York Times bestselling author, Anthony Ryan, joins the Am Writing Fantasy podcast for a discussion with Jesper about fantasy writing, publishing, and marketing books in today’s publishing landscape. Find Ryan’s books here:
by Jesper Schmidt | Oct 11, 2021 | Inspire, Podcast, Tools for Authors
Masterminds and masterclasses has been around for quiet a while – and for good reason. The best thing you can do for your author career is to invest in yourself. To learn and grow. In this episode of the Am Writing Fantasy podcast, Autumn and Jesper share some...
by Jesper Schmidt | Jun 28, 2021 | Podcast, Tips, Writing
Jeff Wheeler is a highly successful fantasy author. His books have been on the Wall Street Journal Bestseller list 5 times and have sold more than 4 million copies. His novels have also been translated into many languages. Jeff Wheeler joins the Am Writing Fantasy...
by Jesper Schmidt | May 10, 2021 | Podcast, Social media for authors, Tips, Tools for Authors
Perhaps you’ve asked yourself more than once whether or not social media actually sells any books? Is it worth the time and effort you put into to schedule and post new stuff on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.? In this episode of the Am Writing Fantasy...
by Jesper Schmidt | Apr 26, 2021 | Book Marketing, Podcast, Technology, Tools for Authors, Writing
Do you want to sell more books, face less competition, and achieve a higher return on your publishing investments? K-lytics has the answers and this episode of the Am Writing Fantasy podcast, Jesper talk to the owner of K-lytics, Alex, to gain a better understanding...