Introducing the Ultimate Fantasy Writer’s Guide

by | Apr 14, 2017

Last Updated:
Jan 19, 2018

I know haven’t been posting here as much as usual lately. I know you didn’t want to say anything. Don’t worry, I’m entirely aware. See the thing is I’ve enjoyed offering free writing tips on my blog and through this email list the last few years. I really have! But I secretly wanted more.

What I want is to really, REALLY, help other authors. Not just with an occasional tip here and there amid random writing posts that I think, hope, will help you. No. I want to KNOW I impacted not only your writing but your writing career.

I dream big. I know. 😉

I’ve been gathering up all the things that have helped me create the awesome author business I have now, all those essential pieces of advice I wish someone had told and given me when I first started out as an indie author. And I’ve packaged them into one sweet little bundle that is so full of awesomeness that it makes me as excited as I was the first time I uploaded a book to Amazon (don’t tell Born of Water I said that. EVER.).

I know, really, how can anything besides writing be that good?

What if I told you what I’ve got coming is 12 seriously AWESOME modules that will teach you to write, edit, and publish your novel to raving fans? These step-by-step modules will help you take the spark of an idea and develop it into an amazing book with in-depth writing lessons that will teach you the pertinent details of just what you need to know to write an amazing book (and none of the extra crap that will only slow you down). AND, if that wasn’t sweet enough, it will show you the steps to build a fan base as you write, how to overcome, and totally defeat, writer’s block, plus the techniques to edit like a pro.

After that, it REALLY gets good.

That is when you jump into the module on the 5 essential parts of a cover AND how to format both an ebook and a paperback book using the templates the course provides. Did I just say ebook and paperback templates? Yup. They work great too. I just used them on my newest fantasy release (uploaded 2 days ago!). This course even provides over-my-shoulder screencast video of how to use the templates and upload!

And that isn’t even the end. There are still jam-packed lessons on how to launch a book to fans and reviews, including super secret swipe files on how to build a launch team. And after all the excitement has worn off, as well as Amazon’s new release sales bump, how to continue to grow your author brand and expand into long-term marketing strategies.

Like I said EVERYTHING you need to build your totally awesome author career. Swipe files to build your mailing list and launch team, awesome downloads, checklists, and cheat sheets to keep you organized, those over-my-shoulder videos to the exact steps you need to take, and then all that fantastic information packed into one single course. And there is even more! There are 3 amazing bonuses.

I’ve been dreaming of this day for nearly two years.

Well more than dreaming. Because, like writing a book, things don’t happen, especially BIG and amazing things, if you don’t work hard to make them happen. I’m sitting at the peak of all that effort ready to tip over the edge on my toboggan. Working on this, THAT is why I haven’t been here as much as possible (that and I just released my 12th novel, Gates of Fire and Earth!).

I CAN. NOT. WAIT. to tell you about everything. All those amazing lessons, downloads, swipe files, templates and MORE that are locked inside this amazing Guide, those awesome bonuses… It’s just, well, the Ultimate Fantasy Writer’s Guide!




Autumn is a best selling indie author, conservationist, & world traveler with plans for many more adventures both real and fantastical! She is currently settled in the wilds of Maine with her small dragonish dog and husband, searching for a portal to another world.

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Written by: Autumn

Autumn is a best selling indie author, conservationist, & world traveler with plans for many more adventures both real and fantastical! She is currently settled in the wilds of Maine with her small dragonish dog and husband, searching for a portal to another world.

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