Welcome back to the 15 Minute Fantasy Writer video series!
We have one more world building video, but before we get there I wanted to switch gears and talk about a very important subject. One that a lot of authors skirt around: covers!
In this video, we will look at the five elements of a book cover and then focus in one that is a part of four of them. I won’t spoil what that is though! You’ll have to watch the video and see for yourself… and hear my confession. 😉
Did I convince you to become an addict too? Or at least to take this seriously? Lol. Let me know in the comments!
Look for next video soon. I promise to finish up world building. We’ll take everything and use it to enhance your characters and their development.
If you missed any of the previous, check them out on the 15 Minute Fantasy Writer page. And check out the related post on book covers and how to make them pop.
What are your favorite fantasy races? Do you care if a culture is “borrowed” straight from a different novel… like Tolkien? Let me know in the comments!
Do you have topics you’d like me to cover? Do you want to submit a video of you reading a clip of your story for Open Mic? Great! Head over to the 15 Minute Fantasy Writer page and read how. And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog (on the sidebar to the right) or on the YouTube channel to get updates.