by Autumn | May 17, 2021 | Podcast, Tips, Writing
Do you want to make your characters and writing pop? There are some pro techniques to enhance a character and connect the reader with her/him. One of them is using Deep POV. Join us for a discussion on Deep POV. What is it? How do you do it? And when are there times...
by Jesper Schmidt | Aug 24, 2020 | Podcast, Tips, Worldbuilding, Writing
Is there such a thing as good and bad tropes, or are tropes just tropes? Join Autumn and Jesper as they dive into the land of clichés, but also stumbles over some fantasy gems. Episode 87 of the Am Writing Fantasy podcast will walk you through some of the common...
by Cady Hammer | Aug 4, 2020 | Tips, Writing
Today we have a guest post from author Cady Hammer who runs the Fluff About Fantasy website and is an inspiration (and resource) for young writers! So, you’re a young writer or a new writer sitting down to start your first novel. Congratulations! You have taken the...
by Autumn | Nov 1, 2017 | Tips, Writing
I’m sick of snow. That might seem like a doomed statement considering it is the end of October and I’m in the northern hemisphere. Heck, I was IN SNOW today up at Crater Lake in Oregon (there was about a foot of it on the ground). But I’m not talking about the...
by Autumn | Jun 27, 2017 | Tips, Writing
Have you ever wanted to do someone in? Okay, I’m not asking for confessions here, so consider that question rhetorical. 😉 But I am willing to bet that you are a good person. You think of your loved ones and are kind to animals, I’m sure. I’m also willing to bet you’ve...