by Jesper Schmidt | Apr 19, 2021 | Podcast, Tools for Authors, Writing
Over the past few months Autumn and Jesper have tested out different types of writing software. Against AutoCrit and Fictionary, your hosts decided that ProWritingAid is the best one of them all. In this episode of the Am Writing Fantasy podcast, Autumn and Jesper...
by Autumn | Mar 1, 2021 | Podcast, Tips, Writing
You’ve finished the first draft of your novel. GREAT! Now, how do you tackle edits? We’ve got you covered. In this episode, we discuss the pros and cons of different editing methods, take a peek at how Autumn runs her edits, and what you can do if you...
by Autumn | Apr 16, 2017 | Tips, Writing
There are a lot of writing or book related courses out there. I’ve looked at most of them! And want to know what I noticed? They ALL leave something out. Maybe they will teach you how to write but not how to edit. Or they teach world building but not character...
by Autumn | Mar 11, 2016 | Tips, Writing
You’ve done it before. I’ve done it before. You are editing and you hit the fifteenth time you’ve described the forest as dark. So you pull out the thesaurus and go with “gloomy,” or “shadowed.” Then move on. Really? Is that the best you’ve got? Writers get into word...
by Autumn | Feb 19, 2016 | Tips, Writing
At what point does a project take on a life of its own? Or, to phrase it another way, when do you know that a project has enough momentum that you will see it to completion? For me the tipping point is chapter 10. At chapter 10 the story and characters have developed...